Måns Thulin

Hi! I’m Måns. I work in statistics and artificial intelligence.


My book Modern Statistics with R (now in its second edition) is freely available online. Physical copies are available where books are sold.


I work as a consultant and regularly teach courses on statistics with R through Statistikakademin.

I’m a co-founder of T&S Engineering Intelligence. We develop AI systems that understand CAD data, allowing automated quality checks and reviews of drawings.

I got my PhD in mathematical statistics from Uppsala University in 2014. Since then, I’ve held various positions in academia, e.g. at Uppsala University and the University of Edinburgh. My list of publications is available here and on Google Scholar.

Statistical software

I develop open-source packages and analytics tools in R.

The Bioscreen Analysis Tool, developed using R and Shiny, is an online app for analysis of microbiological growth curves from Bioscreen C MBR machines.

Outside of work

I enjoy reading, yoga, baking, and board games, and volunteer in my local chapter of the Swedish Outdoor Association. I live in Uppsala with my wife and our two kids.